03 June 2011

Task 2 - Module 1 - Intro SE

Module 1 : Introduction to Software Engineering

  • Method Use To Study : Do classifications notes & extra reading(For more Example)
  • Topic Should Be Added: The History behind Hooker's law and Polya suggestion.
  • Suggestion About another Teaching Technique: Ask student To give idea for future software.
  • Lesson Learned From This Module:
  1. Software Definitions:
-instructions that when executed provide desired features, function, and performance. 
-data structures that enable the programs to adequately manipulate information
-documentation that describes the operation and use of the programs.
-Examples: Microsoft words,Adobe dreamweaver,phython,visual basic

    2.  Software Applications Domain Matrix:


System software

- designed  to operate  

   computer  hardware.

-Mac OS X
Application software
-interacts with the users
-interacts with the hardware
-help users to perform tasks
-point of sale (pos)

-entertainment software
 ·arcade games
 ·mobile games

-educational software
  ·learning software

-media development 
 ·animation software
Engineering/scientific software
-collection of computer 
-provide instructions to  the computer
- -sas(stastical analysis 
-diagnosis sotware
Embedded software
-software that combine 
  together to  control any  
  electronic or electrical  
  appliances such as telephone,toys and
   airplanes to peform
  any tasks asked by the
-software to control robot’s 
  movement such
or robotics control 
  software and asimo
-software to control the timeline of the digital watch
Web apps
-application that is accessed 
  using the network either 
  internet or intranet

-student portal
-uniten online registration 
 -ticket reservation system
Artifcial intelegennce sotware
-programs or software that 
  combines to perform any of 
  the instructions
-very complicated
-combination of aspects  
  such as logic,philosophy  
  and behaviour
-kynogon(software that use 
  in the video games).
Production line software
-creating similar software 
  system from a shared set of 
  software by referring to the 
  software engineering 
-have many functions
-can peform any tasks
-ms word
-ms power point
-ms excel
-ms access
-ms outlook

3. Software Engineering Definitions:

-The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software

4. Layer In Software Engineering:

5.Essential SE Practices:

           Polya suggests:
i.Understand the problem (communication and modeling).
ii.Plan a solution (planning and design).
iii.Carry out the plan (construction and deployment).
iv.Examine the result for accuracy (testing and quality assurance).
Hooker’s General SE Principles
 i.The Reason It All Exists
ii.KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
           iii.Maintain the Vision
           iv.What You Produce, Others Will Consume
            v.Be Open to the Future 
            vi.Plan Ahead for Reuse

6. Software Myths:

erroneous beliefs about software and the process that is used to build it.

  • Management myths
  • Customer myths
  • Practitioner myths


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